最难抗拒:男人的微笑 女人的身材





  2幽默感(Sense of humour)





  7懂得自嘲(The ability to laugh at themselves)

  8顽皮一面(A cheeky, naughty side)

  9爱家庭(Loves family)

  10强健体魄(A toned body)


  12长时间的眼神接触(Holding eye contact a little too long)


  14强壮的臂弯(Strong forearms)

  15对小孩好(Being good with kids)


  17穿西装很体面(Look good in a suit)


  19宽阔的肩膀(Broad shoulders)




  1身材棒(Great body)


  3幽默感(Sense of humour)

  4大大的微笑(Great smile)

  5逗人笑(Find me funny)

  6丝袜和吊袜带(Stockings and Suspenders)

  7可爱的傻笑(A cute giggle)

  8好闻(Nice smell)

  9懂得自嘲(The ability to laugh at themselves)


  11短裙(Short skirts)

  12长靴(Knee high boots)

  13邻家女的长相(The Girl next door look)

  14爱捣蛋(Mischievous nature)

  15长腿(Long legs)


  17懂倾听(Good listener)

  18知性对话(Intellectual conversation)

  19凝视的目光(Gazing eyes)

  20善于理财(Good with money)
